Rossum Sand Tester Description

accessory rossum sand tester

The Rossum Sand Tester is used to measure sand content of pumped water. This device is reliable, easy to use and relatively inexpensive. American Water Works Association Standard for Water Wells (AWWA A 100) Appendix E, Section E.4.6 “Measurement of Sand Content” states “Measurement of sand content may be accomplished by the installation of the Rossum centrifugal sand sampler…” This device has been manufactured by Roscoe Moss Company for over 40 years.

Measurement of sand content is often required of new water wells to determine if specified operating parameters have been achieved. However, well owners should include regularly scheduled sand tests in operation and maintenance programs.

Measurement of sand production on a regular basis may provide a timely indication of well problems. Should structural defects be detected early enough they may be repaired. If not abated, some conditions could lead to complete well failure resulting in decommissioning and replacement; a costly alternative that may have been avoided.

Please contact us for additional information regarding this product.

Directions for Using the Rossum Sand Tester

The Rossum Sand Tester is used to measure sand content of pumped water. These directions will allow the user to calculate this measurement in units represented as parts per million by volume.

The Rossum Sand Tester can be used to measure sand content in any water system. However, the water sample for sand determination must be carefully obtained. A sample collected from a horizontal pipe at low flow is unacceptable. The sample should be obtained from a vertical or horizontal pipe with highly turbulent flow. Samples taken immediately downstream from elbows, tees, and other fittings that create turbulence are generally satisfactory.


  1. Install the Rossum Sand Tester according to instructions provided. The inlet should be located on the horizontal centerline of the discharge pipe and be as close to the discharge head or other turbulent flow area as possible.
  2. Completely open the inlet valve to the tester. Adjust the outlet valve to 1/2 gpm (this will fill a quart container in 30 seconds or a gallon container in 2 minutes).
  3. Close the inlet valve, remove, clean, and replace the Pyrex tube.
  4. When ready to start the test, completely open the inlet valve and note the time.
  5. Periodically record the accumulated sand and time. It is important to note that the most common mistake made when doing the final calculation is dividing total accumulation of sand by total time. This provides only the average sand content. Instead, it is necessary to divide the incremental sand increase by the incremental time increase. This will provide the sand production at a specific time ie. sand production 15 minutes after the start of the test.
  6. Check the flow rate through the tester during each run. If the flow rate is not 1/2 gpm, repeat the test.
  7. Record the pump discharge rate (gpm) during each sand test and note whether any surging was done prior to the test.

Rossum Sand Tester Calculations


The sand content is determined from the following formula:

ml sand per ml water = incremental accumulation (ml) / incremental time (mins)

.5 gpm x 231 in3/gal x 16.387 ml/in3


Sand content (ppm) = ml sand per ml water x 1,000,000

Simple Worksheet


sand content (ppm) = incremental sand accumulation (ml) x 528.3

incremental time interval (mins)

Simple Calculation

Rossum Sand Tester Order Form

To order the Rossum Sand Tester please call us at 1-323-263-4111 or download our order form, complete and fax to 1-323-263-4497. A representative will contact you upon receipt of your order.
