Ground water has constantly proven to be a dependable source of drinking water for communities around the world. Combined with surface water supplies, ground water helps to fill the needs for government agencies to reliably supply water to growing populations. Roscoe Moss Company is the only company in the world that manufactures both louvered screen and continuous wire wrap screen to meet the well design required for specific geologic conditions.
Some of Our Municipal Clients


Growers throughout the world are under constant pressure to ensure a dependable water supply to irrigate their crops, and they face water issues from multiple fronts. Drought can restrict surface water availability, while government regulators can enforce restrictions on allotments. Despite these realities, ground water wells continue to be the most dependable source for growers. Roscoe Moss Company manufactures efficient and corrosion resistant well screens specifically for the agriculture market so that grower’s wells pump the maximum amount of water possible, at the lowest cost achievable, for the maximum amount of time.
Mines are typically confronted with problems arising from either too much water or too little water. As a result, water production and dewatering wells are drilled to ameliorate these issues. Well construction is often challenging since site selection is frequently dictated by necessity rather than convenience. Roscoe Moss Company louvered screen has been used in thousands of wells for mining applications and continues to be the preferred choice for well screen among mine hydrogeologists.
Some of Our Mining Clients


Many companies choose to drill their own water wells in order to ensure a reliable water supply for their commercial operations. Roscoe Moss Company’s experienced and professional team can provide recommendations for well casing and screen that is site specific to make certain your well is efficient, reliable, and long lasting.